Have you ever been in a place in your life where you have so many things going through your mind to put in action, you are dumbfounded? Well, I have been in that space the six weeks. I just held fast to my faith that I would get a breakthrough. I have been working towards the greatness that I know that Glitzy Style is destined to be. As uncomfortable as this place has been for me I feel that it was necessary so that I could dig deep and search for what is right for Glitzy Style. I did find it strange that I would feel the way I did while physically I was unable to do much. Today, yet again, I had to go to urgent care to get chest pain evaluated and was blessed to have a favorable outcome but I still had Glitzy on my mind. I realized on my way home from the doctor's visit that sometimes we have to sit still and listen carefully because the answers are being whispered in our ears. I FINALLY HAD MY EPIPHANY!!!! It was not much new, but a new outlook. I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop. Things are falling into place in a way that I would have never imagined.
Earlier this month, I had the privilege to consult with Michele Scism, "The Results Lady", and the meeting was awesome, she and I have been in the same place and I will have the opportunity to learn from her. How awesome is that! A new vendor that I had grown accustomed to is no longer doing any small projects, she will still work with me on projects but no longer the little things I need in a hurry. I did just a little checking and I found someone who was able to help me with the need I had at hand. Notice, I said the need I had at hand, which means I still did not have anyone to handle all of my needs. Out of nowhere, the person who I originally worked with when Glitzy was just a thought became available to do some work with me. So, no stress there.....NONE!!! Everything is just falling into place and it just so awesome to watch God work for me. I have joined an awesome group of women to network with in my are, Atlanta Women Entrepreneurs which truly is, a Godsend.
The many obstacles that seemed to face Glitzy seem to be just moved and I am not going to just sit and watch, I am going to be an active participant. Growth takes time, but when the time is right it is time to hold on tight, roll up my sleeves and rise to the challenge.
I am not 100% physically yet, but I am able to do a lot more so now I will be putting my best foot forward and providing the quality services that Glitzy Style has to offer. So, be on the look out because you will be seeing exciting things coming your way.
Thank you so much for all of your support! The prayers and well wishes which have come my way have humbled and blessed me. I love you all for believing in me when this was just my dream which is now a reality.
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