Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Statement Pieces

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
As I laid on my testing table for 90 mintues today, I realized that I truly should be making statement jewelry. I have two digestive illnesses and I go through so much because of them. I was thinking how fitting would it be for me to wear a statement piece so when people admire them, I could give them more information about the illnesses and what they could do to help. I want to find ways to provide awareness in the community. I actually have all of the components to make my friend a bracelet for autism that I need to work on. I moved recently so I am not as organized as I should be. Life is has strange ways of making things brighter for us. My having an awful test, made me realize there was another need/desire to share our experiences. What are some of the awareness pieces would you like to see? I hope you chime in because I really would like to know what your interests . Calling all suggestions.....


Anonymous said...

I know that there are many specific awareness ribbon campaigns out there each with their own symbolic color, each available in a charm. You may already know that the autism symbol is an image of colorful puzzle pieces. I think that image is a conversation starter because people may assume it means one thing and they are not aware the image means something else with a cause in mind. When you mentioned the words, "statement piece" for me those words mean "substantial" and not "symbolic" but, thinking about it your way, I guess the words can be interchanged to get the point across that you want to make a piece with more meaning behind it. A cause is always a good place to start.

Glitzy Style said...

Thanks for input, substantial is a stronger word to use other than statement. I did know that the puzzle piece was the the symbol for autism. bit I am sure not many people know this will give the person wearing the peice more information.

Again, thanks for sharing.

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