Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Tuesday, March 19, 2013
When I think about reinvention, I often think EVERYTHING has to be changed.  Where did I get that from????  When we work on ourselves or a project where does it say we should reinvent the wheel?  Somehow I received that erroneous memo.  I have been thinking about how I was going to reinvent Glitzy Style since the beginning of the year, actually since I became a mother again 7 months ago.  As I was thinking about it today, my baby was practicing her crawling skills and I had a light bulb moment!!!  When I became a mother again last August things changed, they changed in a major way but I still drew from my experiences from being a mother for nearly 20 years.  So why was I trying to make things so difficult for me! So please share this journey with me!  I am rebuilding my brand. So, I will be reinventing no breathing new life into my brand and sharing the process with you.  I am counting on you all to help me along because this is all about "Every Girl Is A Celebrity"!  We are not ageist so it does matter if you are an infant or 108, Glitzy Style is "Where Every Girl Is a Celebrity!".


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