Webster's dictionary defines philanthropy as altruistic care for human beings welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property or work to need persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals and generosity to other socially useful persons. I feel like when in the business community, one must ALWAYS give back. I am all about holding up to my responsibility by making my mark in this world. I believe I would be socially irresponsible if we do not give back to our community. I find to many people throw their hats in the business arena and think only of themselves. Simply because we are capable to provide services and use our talents for others we should use them to be socially responsible. I am a firm believer that just because I have an idea that could in general be of the betterment of the community, I would be irresponsible to profit from something that would be beneficail for all. I am supposed to be but slowed down working on a project with Senator Hank Johnson which can only be philanthropic. I will be in the Senator's office as soon as I am able to resolve some issues that must be taken care of first. I would never feel right about profiting for the cause.
I have started out with my spiritual offering 10% of all profits from sales of religious designs created will go towards Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church's Building fund. I feel like there are several ways for me to share my talents to give back and still earn profits. I will be sharing about two new projects I will be working on soon. One will be completely philanthropic and the other is a new business venture. The business venture is moving slower than I would like but a foundation must be built soundly.
I would like to share some information about a philanthropic business of an associate of mine. She and a friend started an organization to support women. It is called IAAVS, I AM A VISUAL STATEMENT. Please check them out at http://www.iavvs.com/ to learn more about how you can help their endeavors. I know I will be becoming more active in their endeavors, so please join me, you won't regret it.
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