Monday, October 4, 2010

New Beginnings

Monday, October 4, 2010

I have been on hiatus but I am back in full swing. It is time for me to get back on the bandwagon and start doing what I love. I have been finding all kinds of inspiration and cannot wait to share them with you. If you have something that you desire let me know we can work together. If you see something that you like out there, let's make it personal for you.

I am excited that I am going to be making religous items for the public. I have always made them but I have always given them to family members and close friends. I am currently working on two rosaries and repairing a a Psalm 23 bracelet that I made a few years ago.

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather! I just love fall. Fall always has always been my renewel time! It is also a time of renewal for Glitzy Style.

Give me your thoughts and and suggestions, I look forward to hearing them.


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