Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back to Mom

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I drove past "The Avenue" clothing store and they had a banner said, "Back to Mom". It struck right then there that is exactly why part of my business caters to women in having "Girls Night Out Parties". You choose the location and I show up with the activity. You get to enjoy a relaxing activity and go home with a beauty that you made on your very own! I can even arrive with hors ' deurves so all you have to do is enjoy your girlfriend time. I think we have all lost ourselves to a certain extent with all the running around we do with our jobs, kids, and whatever else we need to do. Now is the time to take back a few hours for ourselves and know that everyone will be fine and we will be recharged at the same time!

One of the things we all have to do is get back in touch with ourselves, so give Glitzy Style a call to schedule your "Girls' Night Out" so you can get your much deserved time to get back in touch with your girls.


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